No Choice Now
Two weeks ago my boss and I were discussing ways of reducing costs in some of our departments. Seeing as I had accomplished said results with the office staff, he now wants me to help him in other areas. Simply put, I'm to be the efficiancy expert. Not my bag at all! Straightening out the office was all right because I thought I'd be doing my light duty tasks there... All the time.
I don't want to head out into the field to watch people work inefficiantly, and then have to suggest a smarter way to do their jobs. But, to keep on his good side, I told him I still had lots to do. I'd get at the efficiancy thing if I could get around to it.
This morning I opened an email from him. This was in the attached file.
I got exactly what I asked for. Do I have any choice but to tackle this yuckee project? I don't think so.
I don't want to head out into the field to watch people work inefficiantly, and then have to suggest a smarter way to do their jobs. But, to keep on his good side, I told him I still had lots to do. I'd get at the efficiancy thing if I could get around to it.
This morning I opened an email from him. This was in the attached file.
I got exactly what I asked for. Do I have any choice but to tackle this yuckee project? I don't think so.
Good luck...
Java Boo Boo, at 10:25 PM
ROTFLMAO! That's just too lame.
Give them a finger and they bite off the whole hand eh? Too bad you simply can't afford to piss off management! Good luck!
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM
Make them give you a raise before you do it, as it's much hard and requires more brain power. Then milk it and fake it for all it's worth. Just my two pennies.
Ronald McDojo, at 11:56 AM
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