Make My Day

Sunday, December 05, 2004

'Tis Not the Season to Drink and Drive

A good thing happened on my way to the casino last night. Along with everyone else in my lane of traffic, I was pulled over by the police doing a check stop for drunk, impaired drivers.

I've often wondered how many drivers I'm sharing the road with, have their judgement impaired by some chemical. It's not the falling down drunk types I worry about. They're easy to spot and keep away from. It's the ones whose reaction and judgement times are a touch slow because they've had an extra drink, hoot, or whatever.

I'm elated the boys and girls in blue are out there in the cold trying to ensure a safe and happy holiday season for all. It's impossible to get all impaired drivers off the road. Some people will drive drunk no matter what. I know a few of those personally. If the police only catch a small percentage of them, it's that many less on the road that can potentially tear a family apart.

Oh yes, I passed with flying colors. No alcohol on my breath, seat belt on, valid driver's licence and registration. Two out of the six from my lane of traffic were detained by the police. That's two less...and counting.


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