Make My Day

Monday, February 07, 2005

We Made the News

Ghost hunting is an off beat hobby I do. I don't tell too many people about it because I don't want to be considered loopy, or off my rocker. None the less, it is an interest I pursue quite actively.

Our ghost tracking group numbers about thirty active members, all interested in the unexplained. For a newspaper reporter to come out and find out what we're all about, makes me think we're not all that nuts after all. There must be a lot of other people interested in what we do. After all, we did make the local news.

Of course I expected the usual ribbing and teasing that comes with suddenly becoming a local celebrity in the ghostbusting line of work. The anticipated guffaws were nipped in the bud. As the the first words of " G'mornin' Mr Ghostbuster" exited my co-workers mouths, I shot back "That's the cats ass isn't it? I'm finally rich and famous." Nobody mentioned the article again, but they had a few questions of their own about what I do for a hobby.

The article was published in the highest ranked newspaper in the city. Hurray for our ghost trackers meetup group!


  • Ghost tracking? That sounds like something that would require an immense amount of patience.

    By Blogger tattytiara, at 8:59 PM  

  • What a lame, unoriginal headline.

    It sucks that the copy editor did that to what sounds like an interesting story - it just begs to be made fun of.

    The editor in me goes crazy over things like that.

    By Blogger Stacey, at 10:15 PM  

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