Extra Curiccular Activity

Has anyone ever seen a for real ghost? I haven't yet, but I plan on catching one in action in the near future. My ghost trackers group is getting real serious about having a ghost hunt.
Not too many in the group claim to have seen a ghost. That's our main objective. Tracking down those elusive buggers. Personally I'd be satisfied just seeing an unexplained shadow or mist. I'd probably be scared shitless but hey, at least I'd be among the ranks of experienced ghost busters.
Perhaps as a team we can attain our goal. We're headed out next Sunday to a small cemetery. Maybe we'll find a ghost, or mist, or shadow.
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If you want to see a ghost, then you need to go to a big cemetery. The more dead bodies the higher probability of finding one. I mean, if you don't see one in a small cemetery, then you could go to a larger one.
Dr. Forbush, at 7:06 PM
I've seen one. It wasn't a run away screaming sort of thing. Just my grandfather saying goodbye one last time.
Anonymous, at 8:07 PM
Yes and it was quite and interesting experience. I was at Point Lookout (the site of the Union POW camp for the Confederate soldiers). It's one of the most haunted places in the U.S.
Anyway, it was more of a shadow in a doorway that what you would think of as a traditional ghost. But I knew it was there and saw it ... made the hairs on my arms stand.
ArrBee, at 9:02 PM
Nope, and I don't believe in them. I think there is a rational explanation for everything people experience and the mind is powerful force that peopel tend to ignore in their experiences.
Rico, at 1:42 PM
never seen one, dying to, though. i'd probably be scared shitless, but i like that feeling.
thanks for the visit to my blog, too!
Jenny, at 11:50 AM
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