Strange Coincidence
My ghost trackers group is at it again. Along with a newspaper reporter and photographer, our group of ghost trackers headed out to Woodridge Manitoba to repeat the ritual of hunting for the headless, lantern carrying phantom, who supposedly haunts the railway tracks there.
Mr. headless ghost didn't make an appearance, but we did see a bright red light in the sky. So mesmerizing was this light, none of us, not even the media photographer thought to grab a camera and take a picture of this thing. We weren't in Woodridge to spot UFO's, therefore we were taken by complete surprise. Unbeknown to us, there was a festival happening in Woodridge that night, and a fireworks show was to begin a half hour later.
Ghost trackers being interviewed beside the railway tracks in Woodridge shortly before we saw the light.
It made sense to believe the light we saw was a flare. The "flare" was in the same general area, but not directly above where the fireworks were seen later. It was a bit to the south, and more towards our direction. However, this "flare" didn't quite behave like others I've seen. None of us saw it go up. It just appeared, stayed quite stationary for 30 - 45 seconds, and had an octogonal shape when viewed through binoculars. Then it started to move off, blink out, and shoot quickly to the south, leaving a yellow streak of light behind. The flares I've seen, go up, move to the right or left a bit, then fizzle out and drop, all within 10-15 seconds.
Eventually we did disimiss it as a flare, and continued our wait for the no-show ghost. Interestingly, a few days later, a local television station reported a UFO sighting in the Piney area, which is where Woodridge is located. Strange coincidence?
Now, thinking outside the box, could that "flare" have been ETs in a UFO, wondering what so many people were doing in an area that generally has no earthlings wandering about? Is the sighting in Piney a strange coincidence, or is it a piece of the puzzle?
Piece of the puzzle...;p
I like paranormal stuff. Life would be so boring without them.
kewpiedoll, at 1:22 PM
I want to believe...
Jerry Bowley, at 11:44 AM
You won't find headless guy in woody there was a town about 5 mi out of woody called Bedford that's where he is seen
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM
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