Make My Day

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Call

Sabrina's mother actually called me Friday evening wanting to know if I'd heard from our daughter since her arrival in town earlier that day. I hadn't, and then the whining started.

Lella: I wish she would let me know what she's up to
Eric: She's at Becky's
Lella: I don't have Becky's phone number
Eric: Neither do I
Lella: She should let me know if she got here ok. She had to drive all that way by herself
Eric: I'm sure we'd know by now if something happ...
Lella: blah, blah, blah
Eric: Listen to me...
Lella: blah, blah, blah
Eric: Look, shut up for a minute and liste...
Lella: blah, blah, blah...blah, blah

Our conversation ended shortly there after, and guess who had the final word. Not too much has changed in that way over the years since our divorce.

Sabrina arrived quite safely. There was nothing to worry about.

Sabrina's parents shortly before "D" day, appropriately captioned. Posted by Hello

Friday, November 26, 2004

It's Party Time


How quickly the years have passed. Your mother waking me in the middle of the night complaining of labor pains seems like yesterday. That was 27 years ago.
Have a fun day my baby girl.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Solution?

Since my site meter's been on I realize the hits to this blog suck. I like the idea of having the world aware of my existance. Why else would I publish a journal? I signed up for this link exchange site. It's supposed to work quite well or so they say. Amazingly enough I believe it, but then I've been known to consider making an offer on the Eiffel Tower if the sales pitch is good enough.(just kidding) The site is BLOG EXPLOSION

It works like this:
  • You must sign up at the site
  • List the blog you want people to see
  • Earn credits by reading other peoples' sites
  • The more sites you visit, the more people will visit your site and read your offerings.
It's all a free service. No one's sold me anything yet. Users of the site all have the same goal. I'll read your material and you agree to read mine. If I like what I read, I may link to you, sending you more visitors from my site and so forth and so forth.

The bottom line is I want more traffic to my blog and I'm doing it this way. I almost forgot. I'm supposed to get even more traffic if anyone signs up through my link and then from signups through those links. It could actually create an explosion of traffic. It's a great way of letting people know you exist on the web .

So people, sign up and then clickety-click. We need each other. It's already working for me. JOIN HERE

The Manager Reads "W I N A B A G E L"

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I Got Mail

On occasion I take a chance on looking at some of the spam mail I get. It's awesome what I find. Porn sites, penis enlarging formulas, get rich by morning books, just to name a few. It's just as awesome being told that I willingly signed up to recieve all that crap when I know damned well I never did.

What the hell are some of these so called netpreneurs thinking. They send me a message, trick me into opening it, load the page with a ton of popups or pop behinds that just piss me off more than I already am by now, and then expect me to buy the shit they are selling. On top of all that my browser freezes up and I have to re-boot. Grab a fucking brain morons! I wouldn't buy diddley from them.

For all you spammers out there. Turn off your robot mailers, you're wasting power. Nobody wants to buy useless crap from a bunch of braindead idiots anyway. Ever wondered why you've never made a cent?

Did this help? No! My spam box is already recieving garbage.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Kids Are Grown

Ahh the weekend! Time to take a break from my nice guy tasks. I can actually stay home for a few hours 'cause I don't think anyone needs a ride anywhere. Charlene's off for the weekend and Eastlyn hasn't called yet.

Char's daughter has adopted me as a father over the last 15 or so years. Could be because her mother is sort of a wife to me. Eastlyn, like Sabrina, has a habit of calling whenever laziness sets in and the bus stop is a bit out of the way. Half my milage and fuel costs are attributed to helping those two out.

Getting them to where they're going safely is my main objective here. I actually don't mind doing it a bit. Since Sabrina's now a hundred miles from here I leave Sheldon responsible for her.

Hey, fathers worry about their daughters. I get jabbed in the ribs a lot when I glare at some guy ogling us in public. "Dad you're scaring him" I'm told. I can't blame the guy for looking. He's probably wondering what an old fart like me is doing with a young chick like that. I glare back mercilessly.

Maurice Chevalier once sang a song. "oh thank heaven for little girls...they grow up in the most delightful ways"

Gotta go. The phone's ringing.

Eastlyn Posted by Hello

Sabrina Posted by Hello

The two of them Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 18, 2004

What A Guy!

I've been slacking off. The problem is not that I keep forgetting everything. All that came back in short order but it lost some of its zing because I had significantly calmed down come time to write about it. So I won't. It was just about what some stupid, middle aged cunt bitch did in rush hour traffic. There, I feel even better after having typed that!

Where have all the hours in the day gone? I seem to get so little accomplished and I haven't taken my afternoon naps like I used to. I didn't even have to go to the office today. Needless to say, when it's time make a journal entry, I'm all pooped out.

Charlene just started a new job and I'm offering my support to help her succeed in her endeavors. She's new in that workplace so she doesn't know anybody very well and she has to learn all the ropes. I wouldn't want her to get discouraged and not do well. So here I am to save the day.

What I did today:
  • 8:30 am - Drive Charlene to work
  • 9:30 am - Had breakfast
  • 10:00am - Check my online businesses
  • 10:30am - Redesign a web page (not finished)
  • 11:30am - Go meet Charlene for lunch
  • 1:30 pm - Figure out how to add links to blogger template
  • 3:00 pm - Add those links
  • 3:30 pm - Go pick up Charlene
  • 5:30 pm - Have dinner, and by now I'm pooped
By looking at my analysis, I'm using four hours just driving Char around. Quite a chunk of time! Oh well, I do want to offer her my support. What a nice guy I am!

Monday, November 15, 2004

What Was That!

Something went through my mind this morning on the way to work... Something I was supposed to write about, but can't for the life of me remember what it was. Must be a touch of alzhiemers setting in. It'll come to me eventually, always does.

In keeping with remembering things I'd better note the visit I got from Sabrina. My darling daughter who lives a hundred miles away and doesn't get the chance to drop by here very often. Last Thursday was the day I got a call that they were in the city and were coming over, Sadie too. That's the dog. Cute little thing she is. So we all had a nice little get together for about two hours. Sabrina, Sheldon (boyfriend/hubby), and Sadie. And then they all left, along with a bunch of Christmas ornaments Sabrina's Grandma had given me to be shared with my daughter. End of note.

Hope the memory block goes away. It must be Monday blues.

Sheldon and Sabrina Posted by Hello

Sadie the cute little doggie Posted by Hello

Saturday, November 13, 2004

I'm Logging On

My weekly casino stipend is gone. All in about 15 minutes. No lineups at the pay wickets should have been a good indicator. But then I like to gamble now and again, win or lose.

Good thing I have a few dollars in the online casino bank, which I accumulated last week. Unless the account has $200 or more, I don't ask for a check from them. It takes 10-12 days before I get it, so I use what's accumulated to play with 'till it gets up to $200, and then I request payment, and re-deposit only $20 or $30 to start over with.

This weekend, the online casino sent me a coupon that will match my deposit up to $20, so I'll take advantage of their offer. I'll deposit $20 more and they'll match that for a total of $40. Who knows, I may be requesting a payment yet tonight. I'm logging on right after I publish this post.

Seriously, anyone who likes to pay to play should take a look at this. I recommend it. Here's the link:

And there wasn't a hell of a lot of eye candy out tonite for me to ogle, so I left and came home. Boo-Hoo-Hoo. I'm logging on now!

Friday, November 12, 2004

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To...

Wow! I'm back to work!

I can't believe how much staff there is in the place. Since my untimely departure, there's been like five extra bodies hired to get done what I accomplished with only ten staff. When was the budget increased to allow for so much help? The response: "Budget's fucked anyway, we don't have one" I answer "okayyyyy", and go tackle my light duty tasks. I think I'm being missed as a manager in that work place.

So, I'm in the front office helping everyone catch up with their "too hard" files, or "I don't know what to do" files. Hey, that's what I convinced the big guys to hire me for.
  • Makes the whole operation run real smooth.
  • Makes me look like an EXPERT.
  • Now for those cost cutting measures....and a new budget.
It'll be interesting to see where this all goes.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Remembrance Day - Lest We Forget

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae
1872 - 1918

Clicking on this blue line gives you correct entrance into The Heritage of the Great War - to the Frontpage

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I'm Going Insane

I'm still on workers comp because of that gross accident I had back last March. The one where I tripped and schmucked my shoulder and arm into a brick wall. I caused a lot of damage to myself, pulverizing about 3 inches of bone, killing nerves and muscles. As a result, I now possess a left arm which is about 3 1/2 inches shorter, doesn't move properly, and is completely numb in the shoulder area. It's almost totaly useless. A gruuu-some turn of events in my life. Notice I took the blame for it, the clumsy oaf I am.

On the horizon, I see myself returning to work this Friday, only part time, and in a lite duty clerical position, with the same company that at one time relied on me to manage their distribution services. It's the only job I could convince the big guys to create for me. Only half the salary though. Good thing compo pays me the other half. At least I still have my foot in the door, and now, maybe, I can create my own full time position at full salary, he-he-he. I'll get that office running so efficiantly, the administrative costs will be way down, and then, I'll make them an offer they can't refuse.

Some of my buddys think I'm nuts for wanting to go back to work when I can collect compensation payments for not lifting a finger. I'm totally fed up with sitting at home doing nothing productive. It's driving me completely insane. They're coming to take me away hee-hee-ha-ha-hoo-hoo....

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Did something really neat last nite. Had a meeting with the local ghost tracking group. These people, of which I'm one, want to catch a ghost doing whatever it is ghosts do, to substantiate some sort of belief in these creatures. We've all seen tons of ghost pics, and heard all the stories, most of which we agree are bullshit, but we've never seen a real ??live?? ghost.
The main objectives:
  • Hunt for, and find a ghost in all the right places.
  • Take his picture
  • Record what he says
  • Have another meeting to show all the skeptics our find
We had a whale of a time at this meetup. Can hardly wait till next month!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Well, Well

Lookee here! There's a pic in my profile. It took some doing but I got it up there. Told you so! Determination pays off. Now I just have to add a few links to my favorite places and things I like to do on line, and my amusing, family oriented journal is well on it's way.

My brain's pretty well fried this evening, after looking at this screen most of the day, and doing all of this trial and error shit. Kinda reminds me what the brain felt like during my boozing years, oops, that's another post. I'm like an elephant, once I get it right, I never forget how I did it.

Why didn't I think of doing this years ago?

Saturday, November 06, 2004

I Didn't Win

Well, so much for my trip to the casino. Again I blew a shit load of money, and I blame it on Charlene. More about that later. Char's been my girlfriend for going on 15 years, sort of a wife. I met her about a year after I was divorced from Lella. That's the one that still pisses me off, Lella, my daughter's mother. That's got to be a separate post all together, so back to my casino evening.

I won that shit load of money I blew, last week. I had a good hit on a slot machine because I was be-dewed with luck. Char got a good snatch rubbing, and a little dig that evening, for good luck, before I went out to play. I told her I probably could've won more if she'd let me dig a little deeper. But alas, tonite, no rub, no dig, and no win. So it's all her fault.

I still say my online casino gives me better odds. I win more times so I can play a lot longer with their cash. Plus they spot me an extra $5, $10, or $20 now and then just because I play at their internet casino. If anybody finds and reads this blog, you can sign up to play there too. Here's the link: THE LINK
It's quite a sweet deal.

At least tonite I got out for a couple of hours, I tried to pocket some moolah, and I ogled all the sweet young stuff, strutting around the casino, showing off some excellent camel toe, and super tight, well formed butts. What do parents feed their daughters these days? Think I'll nudge Char awake for a while. Who knows, maybe next week, I'll hit the jackpot.

I still have to figure out how to post photos, so patience grasshopper.

Trying - Still

Now i'm back to doing this, on a Saturday morning yet. Taking a look at this blog, I noticed my nickname being used as a sign to my posts. That wasn't supposed to happen, but everything works so efficiantly here that when I wanted to preview what was being posted, ZAP it's up and published already. My name is ERIC and I'll figure out how to have future posts signed by Eric. We're gonna put a photo up here too. Gotta figure that one out yet Like I said, this whole thing is driving me batty. Maybe I'm trying to learn too much at once?

When I finally get it looking the way I want it to, it'll be time for some serious journalistic record keeping. I think teenagers call it a diary, but isn't that for the female three quarters of the human experience? Did you know that all cells and tissues that become a fetus start out being female? It's the "Y" chromosome that makes it grow into a boy baby. I read that in some sex book years ago. Something to think about eh guys? You were a female once.

I want to get out to meet the boys in a little while, but I've still got to learn this horrendous blogging thing to get it right. Back to this trial and error shit. I learn best that way.

Friday, November 05, 2004

It's Coming Together

So I've finally decided to keep records at this point in my life. This whole blogger thing is kinda driving me nuts but I have good determination, and I will, I will, I will make this happen. Can anyone imagine a guy at my age making a lame attempt to keep up with all this technology. And I thought I was pretty intelligent in the days when my mind was likened to a sponge. Nothing got by me. And it still won't. It could take me a while, but eventually old dogs do learn new tricks.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

My Cock
Standing Proud