While scurrying around the village this afternoon I ran into an acquaintance who was also getting her last minute shopping done. We agreed the corner bar was the place to go for some well earned refreshment.
My friend and I sat down and waited to order a couple of drinks. And we waited, and waited. There were only two other people in the place. Finally I walked up to the bar and asked the young lady if she'd please bring our drinks along with a jug of ice to our table.
Very snobishly I was told "Tsk, you know it's self service 'til 5pm". She glared at me with a sour face and banged our drinks and ice on the bar with such force I thought the glasses were going to break. Well geez lady,
excuuuse me for being the purpose of your job! A paying customer! I'm
sooo sorry I interrupted your soap opera or whatever you were watching on tv.
I paid her for the drinks and she had the bloody gall to ask if she could keep the change for her tip. Tip? MY ASS! You fucking lazy little bitch! You have to earn a tip by pleasantly delivering service. All you accomplished was to drive two customers away, never to return again.
I'm making a point of telling people about that shitty bar experience. Should be good for their business, no? Maybe that's why there were only two other customers.
Was she a student who passed exams by cheating, and then got fired from her career because she didn't have the brains to perform? Now the only work she's qualified for is service personnel. All because she was, and still is, fucking lazy.
How hard would it have been to say "sure I'll be there in a minute" Walk the ten or so steps to our table and bring our drinks? No need to even smile.
"Here's a ten dollar tip sweetheart. Have a Merry Christmas" I was in a good mood.